Training includes all activities designed to enhance the competencies of the project team members. Improvement in skills, competencies, increased team cohesiveness and improves the overall project performance.  

Changes in a project environment are inevitable, and to manage them effectively, a continued or a renewed team-building effort should be applied.

Managing the project team requires a variety of management skills, for fostering teamwork, and integrating the efforts of team members to create high performance teams. Team management involves a combination of skills with special emphasis on communication, conflict management, negotiation and leadership.

Conflict is unavoidable in a project environment. Solid Project Management practices reduce the amount of conflict. Successful conflict management results in greater productivity and positive working relationships. When managed properly, differences of opinion can lead to increased creativity and better decision making.

Our Training Services can help in improving knowledge and skills of team members to increase their ability such as communication skills, emotional intelligence, conflict resolution, negotiation, influence, team building and scheduling. 

It is to remember that the Project Manager is the person ultimately responsible for the outcome of the project.


Checkout our “Training and Executive Education” services below:


  • Team Management
  • Conflict Management
  • Oracle’s Primavera P6 (EPPM)
  • Microsoft Project